Some Dementia resources that might be of interest. I'll add links for Parkinson's related 'dementia' on a new page.
Some great Dementia resources by OPAN (Older Persons Advocacy Network)
Communicating with People Living with Dementia
Alternative Approaches for People Living with Dementia: A Practical Guide
Northern Beaches Dementia Alliance
The Northern Beaches Dementia Alliance is a wonderful local initiative that aims to create a Dementia-Friendly Community.
Check out the Alliance’s website for more information: https://dementiaalliancenb.com.au/
CCNB Dementia Advisory Service
This is a free service to people living with dementia and their carers living in the Northern Sydney Region. Contact CCNB
Phone 1300 002 262 I Fax: 02 9998 2999 I E-mail: ccnb@ccnb.com.au
20 Rodborough Road, Frenchs Forest NSW 2086
Research Trial – HOMESIDE – exploring effect of music and reading for people living with dementia
This research trial from The University of Melbourne called HOMESIDE which is recruiting until the end of May,
will explore the effects of music and reading/word-based interventions for people living with dementia and their family caregivers.
More information: https://www.homesidestudy.eu/australia and on attached flyer.
New Dementia App – LIV
The Northern Sydney Dementia Collaborative have supported the development of an app for people living with dementia
and their community which is in the pilot stage. Called LIV, the app assists people living with dementia to remain independently
in their own homes longer.
In conjunction with CSIRO, a pilot study is being undertaken to determine whether LIV really helps.
The app can be used by anyone, not just the pilot participants: More information: https://www.livtheapp.com/
Other Dementia Support Services