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Focus on Falls

1. Preparing for falls

Have an emergency plan

  • know who to call for help

  • have a phone within reach, or wear a smart watch that can notify of a fall

  • let trusted family and friends know how to get into your house if you can’t let them in.

2. Practice getting up

Download this 2 page document and have someone help you practice this technique for getting up if you do fall.

3. Why do I fall?

Feelings of light-headedness, dizziness, faintness, or weakness on standing may be caused by a drop in blood pressure (orthostatic hypotension). This is a very common and potentially debilitating problem affecting more than one third of people with Parkinson's disease.

As well as advancing Parkinson's there can be other causes of a drop in blood pressure.

  • Medications used in the treatment of Parkinson's disease, such as Levodopa, 

  • Medications to treat high blood pressure,

  • Some antidepressants, diuretics, and medications for angina pain.

4. Stop the Drop

Strategies recommended (in consultation with your medical team):

  1. Have your meds reviewed - you may be able to stop blood pressure tablets under your DR's supervision (Chris was able to do this)

  2. Drink more fluid

  3. Increase dietary salt

  4. Wear compression stockings

  5. Raising the head of the bed around 10 to 30 degrees

  6. Eating smaller, more frequent meals, and avoiding alcohol

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